Home/General Assembly

General Assembly (GA) is the representative body of all members of the IILM. The GA is responsible for the approvals of, amongst others, the final audited accounts; the proposal to increase the authorised capital, the appointment of the external auditor and amendment of the Articles of Agreement (AOA).

The primary objectives of the GA shall be:

  1. to review and approve the final audited accounts of the IILM;
  2. to review and approve the proposal to increase the authorised capital;
  3. to approve the appointment of the external auditor of the IILM;
  4. to discuss issues relating to the objectives and functions of the IILM;
  5. to decide on suspension or termination of the operations of the IILM and the distribution of its assets;
  6. to approve the reserves and the distribution of the net income and surplus of the IILM as proposed by the Governing Board; and
  7. on the proposal by the Governing Board, to amend the Articles of Agreement.